Only 1 Hour Permitted For Fireworks During Crossover
- Fireworks will only be allowed within one’s private residence
- Crossover events or parties prohibited
- Non-essential travel prohibited between 11am and 4am
- No gatherings after 8pm
The Municipal Council of Manzini takes this opportunity to wish Manzini citizens a safe and peaceful crossover to the new year.
Residents are notified that, as per the norm, there will be restrictions in relation to the use of fireworks during the crossover. Fireworks will only be permitted for only an hour; between 12 midnight and 1am. Therefore, no one is expected to use fireworks before and after the above-mentioned period. Furthermore, as per the Covid-19 Disaster Management Regulations (as recently amended), no crossover events will be allowed. Therefore, firecrackers will only be allowed within one’s private residence and not as part of a crossover event. Citizens are also reminded that the same Regulations prohibit non-essential travel between 11pm and 4am. This Regulation will apply even on new year’s eve. The Municipality and the Royal Eswatini Police Service (REPS) will be on the ground monitoring compliance. Residents are urged to report anyone who will use fireworks outside of the above-mentioned timeframe by contacting the Municipality’s 24/7 Call Centre (800 2004/2505 7000) so that appropriate action can be taken.
Neighbours who will be playing loud music are also to be reported through the Call Centre. The Municipality is aware of the excitement that comes with crossing over into a new year, however, such must happen responsibly. There are people within our neighbourhoods who desire to enjoy a peaceful crossover, including the elderly, children and those who are ill. We also have community members who will be going to work the next day. They all deserve to be afforded a peaceful rest. The use of fireworks also causes discomfort to pets, including dogs and cats. On another note, churches are reminded that, as per the Covid-19 Disaster Management Regulations (as amended), no gatherings are permitted after 8pm unless permission is granted by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Royal Eswatini Police Service will be monitoring with the view to ensuring compliance. The Municipal Council of Manzini appeals for cooperation from all citizens as adherence to the Covid-19 Regulations will help suppress the spread of the ongoing pandemic.
The Municipal Council of Manzini takes this opportunity to express a word of appreciation to all the ratepayers who have continued to loyally pay their property taxes (rates) despite all odds. It is through the efforts by these property owners that the Municipality has continued to service the city to this day. The Municipality sincerely appreciates their effort and encourages them to keep up the good spirit even in the new year. It is largely through the rates income that the Municipality is able to provide the expected services to the city. When such funds become scarce to come through it becomes difficult to provide quality municipal services as per the Municipality’s mission statement. Those who are struggling to pay their rates in full are encouraged to visit the Municipality’s Finance Department for arrangements on more convenient ways of paying; such as monthly instalments. The Municipality would like to remind property owners that it is a legal obligation that all rates billed against any property be paid.
Property owners are also urged to update their contact details with the Municipality’s Finance Department. This will enable easier communication between the Municipality and the property owner. The Municipality utilises multiple forms of communication such as the Short Message Service (SMS), email and telephone for quicker information dissemination to property owners. Therefore, even if the postal address may be correct, the Municipality appeals that property owners also provide additional contact information such as cellphone number (both MTN and Eswatini Mobile), landline number, email and all other forms of contact. If you happen to sell your property you are requested to inform the new property owner of the requirement to update the property’s contact details. The Rating Act, 1995 puts it upon the new property owner to furnish the Municipality with the new contact details within 14 days after acquiring the Deed of Transfer/Title Deed. The Municipal Council of Manzini wishes all Manzini property owners a happy, safe and fruitful 2021.
Days For Girls, a Non-Governmental Organisation that is based in the City of Manzini, has donated 1,000 dignity packs to girls and young women in various low income communities in the city. The donation was officially handed over to the Municipal Council of Manzini in a ceremony held at Murray Camp Social Centre. Each pack consists of five washable sanitary pads, two panties, a face mask and a bath soap; all packed in a small reusable bag. The following photos were taken during the official handover of the donation…