All the tools of communication which have a presence in the Kingdom of Eswatini are available in Manzini. The mobile telephony companies in Eswatini are Eswatini MTN and Eswatini Mobile, which provide cellular phone network throughout the City of Manzini. Cellular phone starter packs are available in most of the shopping outlets in the city and airtime vendors are littered in most parts of the city.
The airtime vendors are identifiable by bright yellow bibs which bear the letters ‘MTN’ and Red bibs branded ‘Eswatini Mobile’ . The fixed line telephone service is provided by the Eswatini Posts and Telecommunication Corporation. Public telephones are available in different parts of the city. With the advent of information technology, the City of Manzini has over the years witnessed the mushrooming of internet cafes in most parts of the city. With all these facilities at their disposal, the visitor has no reason to worry about their businesses, friends or relatives back home.
It is much easier to keep in touch with them while enjoying a memorable stay in the beautiful City of Manzini.WiFi connectivity is available in all accommodation facilities. Moreover, for those who wish to have WiFi connected in their homes, the Eswatini Post and Telecommunication Corporation, Eswatini Mobile and Eswatini MTN are always ready to assist.
Useful Telephone Numbers
Manzini police …….…… 2505 2221/2 or 999 (toll free)
Fire station …….……. 2505 3333 or 933 (toll free)
EPR Ambulance …………… 977 (toll free)
RFM Hospital …………… 2505 2211
Airport …………. 2518 4390
Municipal Council ………… 2508 5000
KMIII Airport …………… +268 2333 5000
Manzini Civic Centre …..….… +268 2508 5000
(Call Centre: 800 2004/+268 2505 7000)
Manzini Eco-City Tour ……….… +268 7615 8262 /