The Corporate Services Department has a responsibility to provide support, advice and assistance to internal stakeholders so they can manage their resources for the achievement of departmental objectives and strategies; ensuring compliance with statutory obligations and organisational policies and procedures. The department plays a coordinating role in standardising governance across the organisation. There are four (4) core sections under the department; namely, Human Resources Management and Administration, Legal and Public order management, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) as well as Safety, Health, Environment, Risk and Quality (SHERQ). The department provides comprehensive administrative services to the organization. These include human resources management, registry services, information communication and technology, quality management system, occupational health and safety, employee wellness and assistance programme, public order and security as well as legal services. In executing its duties, the department is guided by legislations that are applicable and relevant to each functional area.
As a customer centric organization, the department’s role is to reduce operational inefficiencies in order to enable all departments to achieve improved efficiency and optimal service delivery to all stakeholders of the Municipality. Furthermore, it manages the welfare and professional development of all Council employees through an integrated human resources management structure.
This section’s primary function is to ensure workforce planning in the organisation and managing the welfare of employees. Functions of the department include recruitment of new employees for open positions, administration of talent management, management and implementation of organisational policies and procedures, administration of employee benefits and wellness programs, facilitation of the annual performance management and development system, provision of professional development opportunities for employees, management of the self-insured workers’ compensation program, maintenance of employee personnel files, management of employee risk and safety initiatives, management and monitoring of the industrial climate within the organisation, and the provision of many other vital services for the municipal employees; from their first day of work up to retirement.
This section is tasked with ensuring that public order and nuisance abatement services are adequately and efficiently managed throughout the city as guided by the Urban Government Regulations and other relevant national legislation. Through existing good working relations with the Manzini Royal Eswatini Police Service, numerous interventions and strategies are being implemented to ensure that public order and convenience is maintained in the city of Manzini which include engagement of private security companies to ensure compliance and enforcement within the city.
This section manages and maintains the organisation’s ICT infrastructure, develops and maintains the organisation’s website and provides ICT technical support throughout the organisation in accordance with the ICT Policy and Procedure of the organisation. The ICT function in the organisation is in line with the Municipality’s strategic intent to improve ICT within the organisation and to have an interactive and informative website for use by our internal and external stakeholders. The long-term plan for the Municipality’s website is to have an interactive website with various platforms for providing online services to residents and Council stakeholders.
In an effort to optimize the quality of service delivered to citizens, the Municipality established and facilitated the implementation of a Safety, Health, Environment, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) management system programme. The organisation is certified under the ISO 9001:2015 quality standard; which is a Quality Management System that is recognised internationally. The introduction and implementation of the Quality Management System has assisted the organisation in improving its internal processes by integrating, streamlining and mapping operations for effective and efficient service delivery to the people of Manzini. The quality management system has brought great improvement with regard to municipal service delivery through ensuring adherence to set minimum service delivery standards.
This section coordinates and manages legal matters for the Municipal Council of Manzini with the aim to ensure minimal litigations against the organisation. The section also acts as a secretariat to Council. Furthermore, the section ensures compliance with good governance principles for the sustenance and prudent management of the organisation.
This section is tasked with the provision of control over the Municipal Council of Manzini’s records as kept in the Registry Office in order to ensure they remain legible, controlled and accessible; with clear retention times and defined disposition conditions.
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