Manzini Municipality Encourages Employee Health and Wellness
The Municipal Council of Manzini is a firm believer in the saying, “Health is wealth”. The organization has prioritized employee health and wellness for purposes of improved productivity and better service delivery. Employee health and wellness is an imperative factor in service delivery as it helps ensure that employees stay focused and are more productive; which harnesses high quality performance output. As an indication of Council’s commitment to employee health, it has set out, “to develop and implement occupational health and safety and employee assistance program for improved employee wellbeing by 2024” as one of its strategic objectives in the 2019-2024 Integrated Development Plan. Employee health and wellness also helps maintain sustainable levels of employee engagement and resilience in the face of organizational change. The Municipality’s Quality statement emphasizes on innovative delivery of improved quality services. In order to fulfill this commitment employees are required to be well physically, mentally and socially.
The following is achieved when corporate health and wellness is intensified:
- Reduced healthcare costs;
- Decreased rates of illness and injury;
- Achieved company objectives;
- Improved Employee Morale;
- Increased Productivity.
As part of its employee health and wellness programme, and as a team building initiative, last Friday a team of Council employees participated in the 2022 Eswatini Inter-Municipal Games Association (ESIGA) games which were hosted by Siteki Town Council. The Municipality participated in various sporting games and was pitted against the other 12 Eswatini municipalities. The games were soccer, table soccer, netball, pool, volleyball, darts and table tennis. The event was also attended by Southern Africa InterMunicipal Sports Association (SAIMSA) President, Sam Rameetse, who expressed excitement that Eswatini municipalities had made it a point to organize the games after a 2-year break as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. He said municipalities in other countries were doing same. Manzini Municipality managed to come up tops and merrily collected various trophies and gold medals in pool, darts, table tennis, teqball, marathon (both 21 km and 10 km) as well as draught; The Municipality further managed to score position two in netball, volleyball, and umlabalaba.