Manzini Council in 20-Day Partial Lockdown
Special arrangements made for essential services. In light of the National Government’s pronouncement of a countrywide 20-day partial lockdown as a measure to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus which is presently sweeping across the globe, the Municipal Council of Manzini has taken steps to heed this call.
With effect from last Friday (27th March 2020), the Municipality has scaled down its service offering; ensuring that as many employees as possible work from home and are safe from the virus. The following highlights the municipal services that have been scaled down…
For the duration of the partial lockdown, public transport permits will be processed only on Tuesdays and Fridays. Moreover, public transport operators are no longer allowed to bring their applications in person but are required to forward them to their respective associations. It is the associations that will submit them to the Municipality on the above-mentioned days of the week. This will help prevent high human traffic volumes coming into the civic offices. Stakeholders in this sector are urged to cooperate with Council regarding the new arrangements.
The Municipality provides the skip service for disposal of bulk waste as well as other non-general waste material that is not collected by the refuse truck. For the duration of the partial lockdown, this service will be provided three days in a week; these being Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Residents and other stakeholders who may require this service are urged to book early so that proper arrangements can be made.
During the first week of the 20-day partial lockdown, the road patching service will be provided on a daily basis. However, during the last two weeks of the period, it will only be carried out every other day. Maintenance of traffic lights, streetlights and high mast lights will happen every second day for the duration of the partial lockdown period. Removal of vegetation overgrowth on road reserves and public open spaces that belong to Council (not privately owned vacant plots) will be carried out as and when required.
The Municipal Council of Manzini has a laboratory whose services are open to members of the public. Services provided include water and food sampling as well as testing. A number of stakeholders are utilising this service. For the duration of the partial lockdown period it will be provided on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
The Municipal Council of Manzini has a nursery (located within the Council depot) and a variety of beautiful plants are available on sale to members of the public. For the duration of the 20-day partial lockdown period, the municipal nursery will be accessible only on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
Litter picking in townships has been suspended for the duration of the partial lockdown period. Residents are urged to double their effort towards keeping the vibrant City of Manzini (including townships) clean even during the period of the partial lockdown. They are urged to refrain from littering and instead dispose litter in waste receptacles either within their residences or where public waste receptacles are available.
A number of municipal services remain normal during the partial lockdown period although, for some, the turnaround times may be affected due to a downscale in the number of personnel. The following are the services…
- Public toilet services
- Health inspections
- Pound services
- Collection of general waste (refuse collection)
- Collection of Health Care Risk Waste (Tuesdays and Fridays)
- Burial services
- Filter Clinic Services
- LaMvelase Help Centre services
- Rates Hall services (however, customers are urged to as much as possible use electronic payment mechanisms such as Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Mobile Money
- 24/7 Call Centre – for service requests and fault reporting (800 2004/2505 7000)
- Please make an effort to stay at home. This will protect you, your family and fellow citizens from the coronavirus and dramatically slow the rate at which the virus is spreading.
- Wash your hands regularly using running water and soap; for at least 20 seconds. This is one of the highly recommended ways of preventing the virus.
- Observe the 1.5 metre social distance from the next person. This will protect you from people who may be infected but are presently unware because they currently show no or very mild symptoms.
- Always make sure you cover your mouth and nose using flexed elbow or tissue paper when coughing or sneezing. Dispose the tissue in a litter bin immediately after use and wash your hands.
- Avoid close contact with anyone that exhibits symptoms of fever and cough.
- When you are in a place where water is not readily accessible, please use alcohol-based hand sanitisers. Do use the hand sanitisers that are provided at the entrances to shops and other public establishments as well as the ones that are provided by public transport operators before boarding.
Manzini property owners are notified that the rates bills for the new financial year, which commences today, are out. If you have not yet received an SMS notification but wish to know your bill, please contact Council’s Finance Department on 2508 5048 or 2508 5054 and you will be furnished with your bill. Otherwise, all things constant, you should be able to get your new rates statement at the post office with effect from this Friday. Council has put up an incentive for property owners who will pay their rates during the 20-day partial lockdown period. A raffle draw will be conducted at the end of the period and all those who would have paid their rates in full, either through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or Mobile Money, will stand a chance to win one of five E1,000 fuel vouchers.
Please note that the emphasis on EFT or Mobile Money payment is part of the Municipality’s effort to encourage social distancing by way of minimising the volumes of people who visit the civic centre. Ratepayers are encouraged to make use of this free fuel opportunity by paying their rates in full during this partial lockdown period. Please note that Council has accounts with a number of banks as a means to making payment of rates easier, better and faster. Ratepayers are encouraged to transact through EFT during this period. Alternatively, you may pay through Mobile Money. The account details are as follows;
ACCOUNT NAME | Municipal Council of Manzini | Municipal Council of Manzini | Municipal Council of Manzini |
BRANCH NAME | Manzini | Manzini | Manzini |
BRANCH CODE | 360264 | 282064 | 660564 |
ACCOUNT NUMBER | 040000001308 | 62770574434 | 9110001190655 |
YOUR REFERENCE | Account/Plot no. & Township | Account/Plot no. & Township | Account/Plot no. & Township |
MOBILE MONEY: *007# Select 1(send money), select 4 (Town Council), select 1(Manzini City Council), select 1(Rates), input account number (eight digit number that starts with 1,2,or3 only), enter desired Amount.