A Call For Neighbours to Live Peacefully in Manzini
Peace is a fundamental component of community development, personal growth and survival of communities. At the heart of every community and culture lies a need to advance peaceful co-existence in order to enhance productive, meaningful and sustainable communities. Good relations with neighbours and acceptance of the rights of others are some of the factors that promote peace and harmony amongst communities; and for Council to execute its development programmes smoothly there should be unity amongst the citizens, cooperation and the spirit of brotherhood. That is the culture that the Municipal Council of Manzini advocates for amongst residents of the city and this aspiration forms part of the city’s 2019-2024 Integrated Development Plan (IDP).
The Municipal Council of Manzini, therefore, pleads with residents to make an effort towards peaceful co-existence in the neighbourhoods. Conflict and misunderstanding are the greatest obstacles to peace and development. Today’s article seeks to highlight some of the practices that commonly cause conflict amongst neighbours in the city in the hope that residents would desist from them going forward.
The Municipality would like to remind property owners to make it a point that they empty their septic tanks as and when necessary. The stench from a leaking septic tank causes serious discomfort to neighbouring residents. Whilst the Municipality’s desire is for all urban properties to connect to the main sewer line, the reality is that some townships (such as Ngwane Park and Fairview North) still have properties that are not yet connected to the sewer line hence they rely on septic tanks. The Municipal Council of Manzini provides a vacuum tanker service for purposes of emptying septic tanks. Residents are urged to make use of it. The service fee is E850 per load plus extra fees that are payable to Eswatini Water Services Corporation. Tenants are also urged to notify their landlords immediately there is a sewer leakage on their property. On the same token, landlords are implored to attend to issues of overflowing septic tanks as a matter of priority.
The operation of motor vehicle garages in residential areas is prohibited. Those who operate motor mechanic garages within their residential properties are, therefore, urged to stop the illegal practice. A motor vehicle garage operation in a residential property causes a lot of discomfort to neighbours. The panel beating activity and other related works that come with such an operation result in noise pollution. Toxic fumes from spray painting activities also put the health of neighbours at risk. Moreover, snakes and rodents end up finding ‘homes’ in the scrap vehicles. The City of Manzini has parcels of land that are specifically zoned for light industrial activities. The Municipality’s Community Services Department is always ready to assist citizens with information relating to land use rights within the city. Those who need such guidance are encouraged to approach the department.
Keeping of roasters is prohibited in the City of Manzini, including the residential areas. The reason for this prohibition is the noise pollution that neighbours get to be subjected to in the still of the night when everybody is enjoying their sleep. Those who keep roasters within their properties are urged to remove them. What is permitted is keeping of up to 12 hens. However, there are conditions attached to it. The chickens must be properly caged; ensuring they do not stray into neighbours’ yards.
Open burning of waste material such as garden waste or any substance within one’s property or anywhere within the urban area is prohibited. Residents are urged to desist from this illegal practice as it affects the health of neighbours. Some neighbours suffer from pulmonary illnesses such as asthma and the air pollution compromises their health. If one needs to dispose of garden waste or any other form of special waste that is not collected by the refuse truck they are encouraged to either transport the waste to the municipal controlled dumpsite or engage the services of a skip from the Municipality. A skip is a large open-topped waste container that is used for loading of special waste. The payable fee for the skip service is E100 per load.
Neglected vacant plots cause a lot of discomfort amongst city residents. They accumulate overgrowth and end up becoming a breeding ground for snakes, rodents and mosquito. This exposes neighbouring citizens to the danger of being attacked by these poisonous animals. Moreover, they expose neighbours to criminals who use the overgrown plots as their hideout spots. Owners of vacant plots are implored to periodically monitor their properties and ensure there is no overgrown vegetation.
Citizens are urged to ensure their pets, including dogs, are contained within their properties. Even when they open the gate they need to see to it that the dog does not bolt out of the yard and attack pedestrians who may be passing by. In cases whereby the property’s fence has some openings, the dogs need to be kept on the leash.
Noise from neighbouring properties is one of the complaints that are reported through the Municipality’s 24/7 Call Centre; particularly on weekends. Citizens are urged to always ensure that sound systems and other musical instruments are played at reasonable levels such that the music does not disturb neighbours.
Leaves and bird droppings from overhanging trees dirty neighbours’ yards; resulting in them having to constantly clean-up. The Municipality reminds residents that it is unacceptable to allow trees to overhang onto neighbouring properties. Trees need to be monitored by their owners and trimmed whenever necessary.
The Municipal Council of Manzini has already started attending to roads that were damaged by the recent heavy rainfall. As reported last week, at least 41 city roads (gravel and surfaced) in about 13 townships were left severely damaged by the storm and the Municipality promised to attend to them as soon as the rains had stopped. The following photos were taken in the past two days…